Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Some Helpful Websites

I am just coming to the point in my student teaching where I am starting to write some lesson plans and teach a few classes. My first science lesson is going to be on Thursday and my cooperating teacher told me a few sites to check out for some ideas and materials. One of the sites, edhelper.com, which was actually listed on the web page evaluation rubric, proved to be extremely helpful to me. I was able to get an idea for an activity, and a worksheet as an assessment off of the site for free! Another great site I'm taking advantage of for my lesson is BrainPop.com. It has videos and quizzes on just about any subject, and the students really get into them. I believe you need to pay for the site, but many districts subscribe to it. If you haven't already, go check them out!

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried Rubistar to create rubrics?

    If not, try this:

