Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Creating A Web Page

I'm actually looking forward to creating my first web page! Since I started this class, I have been looking at more websites than I have ever had to before. Doing the website evaluation assignment really helped me realize why I like or dislike the design of certain websites. Now I am aware of and take notice of the quality of every website I visit.

I find that the easiest websites to use have plain and simple menus in list form. The font is easy to read and the colors and graphics are not distracting. Websites that I find confusing and difficult to use have links in random places, fonts that are unclear, and too many graphics, animations, or colors that take away from the information on the website. Based on these observations, I have a good idea as to how I want to set up my web page.

Though I have not started working on my web page yet, the Scholastic site appears to provide clear instructions and seems easy to use. I like the fact that it is a free domain, and that it is meant specifically for educational purposes. All of the teachers at the school I am currently student teaching at are required to have a classroom web page. I think it is a wonderful way for parents, students, and teachers to communicate with one another. Posting assignments on the web page helps parents keep track of what their children should be doing as far as homework each night. It is also nice that teachers can let parents know about upcoming events and things that are happening in class even if the students fail to mention it at home. I will enjoy building a web page that will include the information I want to communicate in a way that is accessible and helpful to parents and students.


  1. I love the way your blog looks - the font size, the choice of colors you picked. It looks very clean and very appealing to the eye. Your blog is very easy to read and is inviting. I think you made excellent points in this blog on the positive things you have seen on web sites and wanting to adopt them as your own when you create your web page. It looks like you are going to have a great web page when you finish student teaching.

    You also state that "Posting assignments on the web page helps parents keep track of what their children should be doing as far as homework each night" and this is so necessary. I wish I would have this "handy little tool" when my kids were in grade school.

  2. I wasn't a big fan with the graphics either. And although the book and software lists may be a great tool for some to have, not all areas of teaching can benefit from it.
