Monday, March 9, 2009

Web-Based Resources

Access to web-based resources have opened up many wonderful opportunities for me as I begin my teaching career. The programs and sites available for educators are valuable classroom aids, providing innovative activities, ideas for special projects, and lesson plans on every subject. Finding ways to enrich lessons and help students get involved is much easier with the help of teacher and student friendly educational websites.

When I was teaching Art to elementary school students, I would often perform online searches to find projects that could be done with the materials I had on hand. I was amazed at the number of free websites offering me practical information and really fun, kid-friendly project ideas and templates. The websites I found previously on my own were pretty good and usable, but now that I am student teaching I have been exposed to so many more official and well-organized websites. My current favorite is Brain Pop. My cooperating teacher incorporates a Brain-Pop video into almost every chapter of Science that she teaches. The website is not free, but the school district has a subscription. While I am here, I will certainly take advantage of Brain Pop and include the videos in my own lesson plans.

While working on the Web Quest, I was directed to many other excellent educational websites. I also stumbled on a few just by googling. With every new web-based resource I discover, I feel more confident using the Internet as a teaching tool. It is important that students learn how to use computers and the Internet competently and that they are comfortable adapting to new technologies. As a teacher trying to prepare students for life in the real world, I feel a responsibility to expose them to computer use as much as possible. I'm glad there are plenty of resources out there for me to use in the classroom with the students. By showing the students more ways they can use the Internet to gain knowledge, I can lead by example.

Before taking this course I was barely computer literate. Knowing what I do now, about all of the educational resources made available by the computer, and about technology standards in the school curriculum, I am so glad I am beginning to learn how to utilize the Internet. I will be a much better teacher now that I am on my way towards learning about and using all of the new advances in technology.

1 comment:

  1. As usual, I enjoyed your posting.

    You declared, "Before taking this course I was barely computer literate. Knowing what I do now, about all of the educational resources made available by the computer, and about technology standards in the school curriculum, I am so glad I am beginning to learn how to utilize the Internet."

    You are not just beginning! You are blogging, creating WebQuests, and taking online quizzes! You are in the midst of becoming an expert.

    You deserve to be proud of how far you have come!
