Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I downloaded the trial version of Kidspiration to see the capabilities the program has to offer. I had seen it used once before in the Technology class my students attend every ten days. The students used the word web feature to plan out slides for a Power Point presentation about themselves. They enjoyed using the computer to create the word webs, and it really helped them to plan their projects.

The other features offered by Kidspiration seem to provide fun and interesting opportunities for lesson enrichment, if used in the proper setting. I like the idea of using it on a Smartboard to engage the whole class, as seen on the youtube video posted in module four. If your class happens to be studying one of the Science or Social Studies topics included in Kidspiration, they would benefit from the activities offered by the program. The topic would be drilled into their heads while they are just having fun playing around with the computer. The writing features of Kidspiration appear to be the most useful and practical. If a teacher had regular access to enough computers for the whole class, I could see them incorporating Kidspiration into most of their writing lessons. The math features provide excellent visuals for students learning new skills. With access to a Smartboard, a teacher could use the Math features Kidspiration offers to support a number of lessons.

Because it is so important that students become computer literate, a program like Kidspiration is a wonderful classroom tool. The students get to practice subject related skills as well as gain experience with general computer use. After seeing all that this program can do, I am anxious to try and incorporate Kidspiration into a future lesson while I am student teaching.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you, I think Kidspiration is such a fun and useful addition to the classroom. I have not started student teaching yet, I actually just started the program this semester, can you let me know how incorporating Kidspiration into your lesson goes and if it works as well as I feel like it does.
